About Beijer Electronics
We provide smart automation solutions that help businesses digitalize, optimize, and transform operations through efficient, user-friendly technology.
More Info on Beijer Electronics
More Info on Beijer Electronics

Beijer Electronics Group is a global technology company specializing in industrial automation, digital solutions, and human-machine interface (HMI) products. Founded in 1981 in Sweden, Beijer Electronics has grown to become a global leader in industrial digitalization.
Beijer Electronics specializes in three key industries across marine, rugged, and manufacturing industries:
- Advanced HMI Solutions: Innovative, user-friendly HMI systems designed for rugged environments, simplifying processes, improving efficiency, and enhancing user experience through real-time data visualization, control, and analysis in industrial settings.
- Cloud-Based Solutions: Utilizing the cloud, users can securely collect, analyze, and access data remotely. These solutions enhance scalability, operational flexibility, and enable more informed, efficient decision-making.
- Web Based Software – WebIQ: Completely built on the open standards HTML5, CSS and JavaScript. WebIQ is the 100% web technology-based web HMI system with extensive design features to create breathtaking professional and performant web HMIs that allows you to distinguish your HMI.
- Modular PLC Solutions: Our modular PLCs support open, transparent solutions across our entire product range. Additionally, users can adapt projects originally developed for other CODESYS-based products for seamless and efficient integration.
Beijer is dedicated to driving innovation and delivering tailored solutions, making us a trusted partner for businesses evolving toward smarter, more efficient processes.
Featured Videos
Featured Videos
Webiq promotion
Oct. 16, 2024
Beijer Electronics - Supporting all the way
Dec. 12, 2023
Introduction to the CloudVPN Platform
April 19, 2023
Products & Press Releases
Products & Press Releases
X2 base HMI panels
May 2, 2022