Electrocomponents Unveils Global 2030 ESG Action Plan

Nov. 10, 2021

Allied Electronics and Automation’s parent company, Electrocomponents plc, a global omni-channel provider of product and service solutions,  announced For a Better World, the group’s 2030 environmental, social and governance (ESG) action plan to support a more sustainable and inclusive world, it says.

Electrocomponents’ ESG action plan is integrated within the company’s destination 2025 strategy, supporting its vision to be the first choice for stakeholders, creating profitable growth and reflecting its ambition to lead the global industrial sector as a truly responsible, sustainable and inclusive business. The plan is comprised of four goals:

  1. Advancing sustainability: Developing sustainable operations and product and service solutions to reduce environmental impacts and tackle climate change. The group has committed to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions across its global operations by 2030 and across the wider value chain by 2050. It has set science-based targets for Scope 1, 2 and 3 and has committed to the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi).
  2. Championing education and innovation: Building skills and fostering innovative solutions with 1.5 million young engineers and innovators. This includes engaging the company’s DesignSpark community to support the development of sustainable solutions that improve lives.
  3. Empowering our people: Enabling its people to reach their full potential and thrive in a safe, inclusive and dynamic culture. This includes working towards 40% of the company’s leaders being women and 25% being ethnically diverse.
  4. Doing business responsibly: Ensuring the highest ethical and environmental standards throughout the business and global value chain by introducing ESG objectives to be embedded in employee rewards, supplier objectives and a new sustainability-linked loan.

“Electrocomponents has been on a journey to establish and strengthen our ESG approach for a sustainable future. Today, we are proud to take the next steps and launch our 2030 ESG action plan: For a better world. This is an integral part of our Destination 2025 strategy and beyond, and we see the opportunity to leverage our global scale, product and service solutions and differentiated offer to grow stronger, advance sustainability and improve lives,” said Lindsley Ruth, Chief Executive Officer at Electrocomponents. “We believe that having a strong ESG action plan is critical for us to become a truly great company.”

Building upon a strong ESG foundation

The goals build upon the strong progress already made, the company says. Key achievements to date include:

  • Carbon: 62% reduction in CO2 emissions from premises energy usage since 2014/15
  • Energy: 67% of electricity usage from renewable sources in 2020/21
  • Waste: 76% of waste recycled in 2020/21
  • Diversity: 44% Board members are female, including the Chair

These achievements have been externally recognized as shown by high ESG ratings such as:

  • CDP 2020 score: A- leadership category
  • EcoVadis: Gold
  • MSCI: A
  • Sustainalytics: negligible risk (6.2), 10/13,494 (all companies), 3/540 (sector)


To drive progress toward achieving the ESG goals, Electrocomponents has established a new ESG Leadership Committee overseen by Lindsley Ruth, CEO. The Committee has four members from the senior management team, plus the VP of social responsibility and sustainability, Andrea Barrett. The Board and senior management team have complete oversight of the Group’s ESG approach and performance.

To drive the delivery of each goal, clear actions have been identified to achieve by 2029/30 from a 2019/20 baseline, unless otherwise stated:

Advancing sustainability: Developing sustainable operations and product and service solutions to help reduce environmental impacts and tackle climate change.

  1. Be net zero with a science-based target to reduce absolute emissions from operations by 75%
  2. Make packaging more sustainable: reduce intensity by 30%, with 100% of packaging widely reusable, recyclable, or compostable and made with 50% recycled content
  3. Reduce, reuse and recycle waste: reduce intensity by 50%, recycle greater than or equal to 95% and achieve zero waste to landfill in our direct operations

Work with our supplier and customer partners towards a net zero global value chain by 2050:

  1. Engage 65% of our suppliers by spend to set science-based targets by 2025
  2. Reduce transport emissions by 25% per ton sold
  3. Develop innovative and sustainable product and service solutions for all our customers

Championing education and innovation: Building skills and fostering innovative solutions that improve lives.

  1. Reach one million young people with educational technologies, learning content and skills development to support future engineers and innovators
  2. Support our social impact partners to develop solutions that improve lives – including supporting The Washing Machine Project to help 100,000 people in need
  3. Engage with 1.5 million engineers and innovators in creating socially responsible and sustainable solutions

Empowering our people: Creating a safe, inclusive, and dynamic culture in which our people can thrive and grow.

  1. Ensure our team is reflective of the customers, suppliers, and communities we serve by working towards 40% of our leaders being women and 25% being ethnically diverse
  2. Achieve and maintain an employee engagement score in the top 10% of high-performing companies
  3. Aim for zero accidents with our people
  4. Inspire 50% of colleagues to volunteer to support their communities and build new skills

Doing business responsibly: Taking action to ensure the highest ethical and environmental standards throughout our business and global value chain.

  1. Evaluate suppliers against these high ethical and environmental standards. Set ESG objectives for strategic suppliers
  2. ESG-related targets included within the employee rewards program

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