Terminal Blocks

Terminal Blocks

IDEC Push-In Terminals make control panel wiring quicker and easier

Push-in terminals simplify the wiring of control panels for equipment manufacturers that have many control devices in the panel. The push-in terminal also reduces manufacturing...
Terminal Blocks

Beckhoff multifunctional terminal

The EL4374 EtherCAT terminal introduces an analog I/O module. The EL4374 is a multipurpose, combined input/output for -10/0 to +10 V or -20/0/+4 to +20 mA signals that can be ...
Terminal Blocks

Beckhoff ELX6233 terminal

The Beckhoff ELX6233 EtherCAT terminal is a dual-channel communication interface designed to simplify integration of field devices in the hazardous areas of zones 0/20 and 1/21...
Terminal Blocks

Dinkle DP10 terminal blocks

Dinkle terminal blocks come in a range of stylings and connection methods to meet specific wiring requirements