Fabrisonic 6470b2ae56d63

Machine combines additive and subtractive manufacturing in one platform

May 26, 2023
Hybrid platform combines CNC/milling with ultrasonic metal foil layering

Fabrisonic’s SonicLayer 1600 is a hybrid platform that can execute simultaneous additive and subtractive manufacturing capabilities. Fabrisonic’s ultrasonic platform employs sound waves to merge layers of metal foil.

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The SonicLayer 1600 includes the additive-manufacturing ability with a mid-sized CNC/milling platform in the same machine. It was one of the pieces of technology on display at Rapid + TCT 2023.

Read more about Fabrisonic’s additive-and-subtractive combination and other machinery from Rapid + TCT on our Endeavor Business Media partner publication, IndustryWeek.

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