Endress+Hauser USA

Greenwood, IN 46143


About Endress+Hauser USA

We support our customers in improving their products and in manufacturing them even more efficiently.


2350 Endress Place
Greenwood, IN 46143
United States of America

More Info on Endress+Hauser USA

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Endress+Hauser is a global leader in measurement instrumentation, services and solutions for industrial process engineering. They provide process solutions for flow, level, pressure, liquid analysis, gas analysis, temperature, recording and digital communications, optimizing processes in terms of economic efficiency, safety and environmental impact. The company serves a variety of industries, including chemical, oil & gas, food & beverage, water & wastewater, life sciences, power & energy, and primaries & metals.

Endress+Hauser, a Switzerland-based company, was founded in 1953, and expanded operations to the U.S. in 1970. More than 80% of all Endress+Hauser instruments ordered and shipped within the U.S. are manufactured in the U.S. This means customers can rely on Endress+Hauser to deliver the products they need quickly. This strong manufacturing base is complimented by a complete network of sales partners and service locations to support its customers – wherever their instruments are installed.

Premium services, customized solutions, project management and IIoT applications round out Endress+Hauser’s offering, helping customers gain efficiency, increase quality and maximize plant availability.

Products & Press Releases

E+h Lab Sensor Expansion Image

Liquiline CML18-compatible Memosens sensors

Jan. 26, 2023
Endress+Hauser launched five laboratory sensors compatible with its Liquiline CML18 handheld laboratory analysis device: the Memosens CPL53E digital pH sensor, CPL57E digital ...
Process Variables

Endress+Hauser Raman spectrometers with IIoT connectivity

Oct. 9, 2021
The embedded Kaiser Raman Rxn analyzer suite features intuitive Raman RunTime embedded control software
Process Variables

Endress+Hauser Thermal mass flowmeters

Nov. 10, 2020
The Proline t-mass F/I 300/500 flowmeters measure pure gases and gas mixtures, including compressed air, natural gas, protective gas or oxygen

Endress+Hauser Digital service experience for projects

Aug. 16, 2020
A digital commissioning application and Netilion turnover package help keep projects on time and up to date

Endress+Hauser IIoT solution platform

May 7, 2020
The Netilion IIoT solution platform combines digital services and system components to improve the lifecycle and asset management, maintenance and support of instruments and analyzers...
Process Variables

Endress+Hauser Point-level instruments

Feb. 18, 2020
The Liquiphant FTL51B and FTL41 vibrating fork (vibronic) level instruments detect the point level of liquids in storage tanks, containers and pipes
Cloud Technology

Endress+Hauser Temperature transmitter with Bluetooth

Dec. 28, 2019
The iTEMP TMT71 and TMT72 single-channel transmitters offer wireless communication via an integrated Bluetooth interface that enables users to display measured values and perform...
Process Variables

Endress+Hauser Plug-and-play electromagnetic flowmeter

Nov. 25, 2019
The smart plug-and-play Picomag electromagnetic flowmeter has been updated to measure the flow of electrically conductive fluids and process temperature and conductivity

Endress+Hauser Tablet PC for Class I, Div. 1 hazardous areas

Nov. 2, 2019
The Field Xpert SMT77 is a rugged tablet PC tool for commissioning and maintenance staff to manage field instruments and document the work progress
Process Variables

Endress+Hauser Point level switch for powdered and fine-grained solids detection

Sept. 22, 2019
The Nivector FTI26 point level switch detects all types of powdered and fine-grained solids such as plastic granules, detergent, grain, sugar, spices, milk powder, animal feed...

Articles & News

E+h Isu Award Image

Endress+Hauser receives Indiana State University's March On! Philanthropy Award

Jan. 11, 2023
Award recognizes Endress+Hauser’s work with the Bailey College of Engineering and Technology as well as its collaboration with the school’s Scott College of Business
E+h Innovation Studio Online
Industry News

STEM learning blooms in Indiana

Oct. 4, 2022
Endress+Hauser and Purdue IN-MaC collaborate to cultivate industry's next generation

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All content from Endress+Hauser USA

Process Variables

Endress+Hauser Chlorine dioxide sensor

Nov. 13, 2018
The Memosens CCS50D chlorine dioxide sensor supports safe and effective disinfection for pathogen-free cooling water and high-quality process water
Process Variables

Endress+Hauser Ultrasonic flowmeter

June 1, 2018
The Proline Prosonic Flow E 100 ultrasonic flowmeter measures flow, temperature and volume of process water, regardless of conductivity, pressure, density or temperature
Process Variables

Endress+Hauser Dissolved oxygen sensor

May 1, 2018
The Memosens COS81D hygienic optical sensor measures dissolved oxygen, gaseous oxygen and temperature with accuracy up to ±0.2%
Process Variables

Endress+Hauser Plug-and-play electromagnetic flowmeter

March 30, 2018
The Picomag electromagnetic flowmeter is an in-line transmitter for measuring temperature and flow of conductive liquids in pipe sizes ranging from 0.5 to 2 in
Industrial PCs

Endress+Hauser Rugged tablet PC

Feb. 20, 2018
The Field Xpert SMT70 is a rugged tablet PC for commissioning and maintenance staff to manage field instruments and document the work progress
Process Variables

Endress+Hauser Pressure transducers with IP69 housing

Feb. 12, 2018
Cerabar PMP11, 21 and 23 pressure transducers measure up to 6,000 psi

Endress+Hauser Self-calibrating RTD temperature sensor

Jan. 11, 2018
The iTherm TrustSens hygienic RTD temperature sensor’s self-calibration process functions in situ and provides the necessary documentation to meet the conformance requirements...

Endress+Hauser Radar level instrument

Oct. 23, 2017
This 80-GHz Micropilot FMR6x free space radar level instrument offers a small beam angle of only 3°, which provides level measurement at distances up to 410 ft with accuracy to...

Endress+Hauser Data manager with EtherNet/IP

March 22, 2017
EtherNet/IP capability has been added to the Memograph M RSG45 data manager