

Man is holding teach panel to control a robotic arm, which is integrated on smart factory production line

Industrial safety sensors protect workers, equipment and processes

Proximity, pressure, temperature, gas and chemical, smoke and fire, vibration, motion, safety light, optical, radar, lidar, relay, wearable, load, force, vision and environmental...

How to choose the right sensor for the job

Partnering with the right sensor supplier can lead to more reliable machinery, reduce development times and streamline the supply chain by ensuring prompt delivery and flexibility...

Lessons in sensing from a sugar mill

How technological advances have improved measurement with industrial sensors

Flow, level and pressure measurement devices provide usable data

How 60 years of technological advances have improved measurement with industrial sensors

Sensing devices protect and serve data to the system

Networking capabilities allow sensors to share information

IO-Link enables new step in the Industry 4.0 journey

Carlo Gavazzi's Jill Oertel explains how devices can exchange, collect and analyze data and convert it into actionable information

LiDAR leads list of laser measurement technologies

From satellite laser ranging to Doppler, sensing options abound in industrial manufacturing

How to validate sensor performance under various conditions

Testing and verification ensure accuracy, reliability and compliance

How to obtain accurate, reliable flowmeter measurements

Criteria include high safety standards, transparent insights, flexibility and long-term stable operation with zero maintenance

Carlo Gavazzi capacitive proximity sensors

Carlo Gavazzi CA12 series are M12 capacitive proximity sensors with IO-Link communication for industrial automation. They come in PBT, stainless steel or PEEK housing and offer...

Detecting problems with PSAs

Vision Optronix’s system, integrated with digital inputs and outputs for process control and monitoring, provides manufacturers with a cost-effective solution that minimizes losses...

SHARC universal IoT sensor adapter

The SHARC IoT sensor adapter is designed to stream data from industrial sensors via the MQTT protocol. The A-coded five-pin M12 connector accepts PNP, NPN, 0-10 V and 4-20 mA ...

Steps for mounting position sensors

Planning, precise installation and consideration of various factors ensure accurate and reliable performance