Kaman Precision Products Extreme environment displacement sensors and systems
These high-precision displacement sensors and systems are designed for extreme environments. Three separate systems are available, specifically designed for high-pressure, low-temperature and high-temperature conditions. The sensors and systems work in operating temperatures ranging from -320 °F to 1,000 °F (1,200 °F short term). Displacement systems withstand pressures up to 5,000 lb-force per square inch (psi). Their dual-coil sensor design minimizes temperature effects. The high-temperature transducers are made with hermetically sealed, all laser-welded Inconel housings and use and Inconel-jacketed, mineral-insulated cable. The sensors are unaffected by environmental contaminants and can withstand corrosive gas or liquid environments. The KD-1925, KD-1950 and KD-1975 sensors use KDM-8206EE signal conditioning electronics.