The frame of the W22 IEEE 841 electric motor has been redesigned to offer more features and benefits. This motor delivers reliability, optimization of energy resources, VFD operation, noise level reduction and easier maintenance. The W22 IEEE 841 motor delivers reliable performance and long life through its NEMA Premium electrical design with high torques and low temperatures. The special electromechanical design of this line meets the demanding IEEE 841 Standard and comes with a five-year warranty. The WEG coatings epoxy paint system exceeds the 240 hour ASTM 117 salt fog corrosion test. Additionally, a foot flatness check is conducted on all motors to a tolerance of 0.005 or better to insure easy installation and minimal vibration. Additional features include INPRO/ Seal on both ends, a balance of ISO standard G1.0 and an achieved 0.04 in/sec peak or better overall vibration.For more information on the new WEG W22 IEEE 841 motor, please visit or call 1-800-ASK-4WEG.