The new Series 30i/31i-L MODEL B CNCs have the capacity to deliver seamless choreography between axes motion and power modulation. The Series 30i/31i-L MODEL B CNCs provide performance, technology and gains in processing speeds and power modulation translating into shorter cycle times and increased edge quality. Relative to other CNCs in its class, the FANUC Series 30i/31i-L MODEL B Laser control has update rates of 125 microseconds. These technological features translate to superior cut quality and accuracy. The 30i/31i-L MODEL B provides up to 8MB of high-capacity, non-volatile internal memory that is available to store constant inventory nests. External interaction via ATA or Compact Flash memory cards bump up an additional 2GB of part program storage. Added flexibility includes a USB port. For increased processing capability, a fast data server can also be installed in the CNC providing up to 4GB of flash memory and a 100-GBit Ethernet connection. A high-speed, error-immune fiber optic connection between the CNC and an integrated PC front-end allows the hard disk be used for part program storage.