The mission of National Robotics Week (RoboWeek) is to inspire students in robotics and STEM-related fields and to share the excitement of robotics with audiences of all ages.
Many events are taking place nationwide April 8-16. A complete list is available on the site, but here is a coast-to-coast sampling.
The National Robotics Week Field Trip at MassRobotics is April 10-14 at 12 Channel Street, Suite 202, in Boston. MassRobotics and New England FIRST are partnering to offer local students a hands-on robotics experience during National Robotics Week. MassRobotics will be hosting workshops incorporating the FIRST robots in a mildly competitive environment, as well as introducing students to industry-grade robotics.
The USC Viterbi K-12 STEM Center is hosting Zoom sessions and on-campus tours of USC robotics labs, April 10-14, in Los Angeles during Robotics Ed Week 2023.
All week long, InOrbit Robot Space, 293 Castro Street in Mountain View, California, will host fun hands-on robotics activities and events to celebrate National Robotics Week. Attendees can explore robot operations and plan a mission for a TurtleBot. Kids can grab a robot activity book or some coloring pages and learn more about real robots, their role in our world and how to get involved with robotics in the community. Special events run every day for adults and kids, including a chance to meet the RoboGames competitors, discover 3D printing, explore the latest RobOps software and learn about the future of generative AI.
Dallas Independent School District will celebrate National Robotics Week across its campuses in Texas, and more than 150 fifth-grade students in the Tea, South Dakota, area will tour DeGeest in celebration of National Robotics Week. Educating through real-life learning is a great way to convey the opportunities for robotics and automation careers in manufacturing. DeGeest has an open invitation to classrooms to experience a learning tour of the advanced robotics and automation capabilities at its facility. The tour is guided by Derek DeGeest, president of DeGeest, as he shares the importance of collaboration with robotics and automation in manufacturing and how DeGeest is integrating the same solutions used at its facility into other manufacturers across the United States and Canada. Tours are open for students, parents, school faculty, community and media.
Check the National Robotics Week site to find activities in your area.