The CAN in Automation (CiA) nonprofit association has re-elected its board of directors. Christian Schlegel (CHS Consulting), CiA business director, chairs the CiA Business Committee (BC), comprising five elected CiA members (Bosch, Emsa, ESD, Microcontrol, and Vector) and representatives of established CiA marketing groups. The BC proposes the annual budget and manages worldwide the CiA marketing activities.
Magnus-Maria Hell (Infineon), CiA technical director, leads the CiA Technical Committee (TC). Participants of the TC are five elected CiA members (Bosch, Emsa, ESD, Microcontrol, and Vector) and representatives of established CiA interest groups (IGs). This committee coordinates the development of CiA technical documents, such as specifications and guidelines.
Holger Zeltwanger is the re-elected CiA managing director, organizing the daily business of the nonprofit association promoting the internationally standardized controller area network (CAN) serial communication system. This includes also CAN-based higher-layer protocols (HLP) such as CANopen and J1939.
The CiA organization comprises currently more than 700 members. The TC has established seven IGs: CANopen, CANopen FD, Profiles, Lower layers, J1939, Safety + security and High availability. The Ethernet on CAN interest group is in foundation. It is intended to specify the mapping of Ethernet frames to CAN frames. In the first step, a mapping to CAN FD frames is planned.
Additionally, CiA is establishing a special interest group (SIG) for radar sensors. It is planned to specify an application layer independent profile and the mapping to CANopen and J1939. Main use cases of these radar sensors are commercial road vehicles and off-highway, as well as off-road vehicles. Automated-guided vehicles (AGVs) and autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are other application options.