The Center for Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP) is a network of researchers, educators, students and industry working together to transform the fluid power industry—how it is researched, applied and studied. The Center's research is creating hydraulic and pneumatic technology that is compact, efficient and effective, while CCEFP's education and outreach program is designed to transfer this knowledge to diverse audiences, including students of all ages, users of fluid power and the general public. CCEFP is a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center that was established in June 2006. In addition to its grant from NSF, the Center is supported by its seven participating universities and more than 50 industrial partners. For more information, CCEFPHYDRAULICS LIBRARYThis library from Maplesoft contains software components for modeling hydraulic systems. These MapleSim devices consist of actuators, which are hydraulic components to control 1D mechanical systems; chambers, which are components to model compressible fluids and compliant walls; pipes and valves, which are basic hydraulic components, including fluid inertia, pipes, orifice and valves; reference components, including atmospheric pressure and fluid properties; sensors to generate signals proportional to hydraulic quantities; and hydraulic pressure and flow-rate sources. Maplesoft