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Mitsubishi Electric sets new record with TokuFastbot

Sept. 17, 2024
The robot demonstrated how controls engineers might enhance factory machinery for faster response times and precision movements

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation set a new Guinness World Record for the fastest robot to solve a puzzle cube, Automation World reported.

The TokuFastbot robot achieved a time of 0.305 seconds, demonstrating the capability of Mitsubishi Electric's advanced components, such as high-tech motors and power semiconductors, to perform high-speed, precise movements. This level of precision and speed in motors is crucial for industrial machinery, where increased productivity and efficiency are paramount.

The robot’s ability to perform a 90° rotation in just 0.009 seconds is powered by Mitsubishi Electric's compact, high-power, signal-responsive servomotors, alongside AI-based color-recognition algorithms.

This technology highlights the importance of inter-device communication and control systems in achieving such performance, with the use of servo motors, a PLC and other control elements. The integration of these components showcases the potential for automation in high-speed applications.

Learn more about Mitsubishi’s accomplishment in the full article from Automation World.

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