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Quarter of a million new robots installed in China

Sept. 23, 2022
Like the U.S., China sees automation as answer to labor shortage

China has its eyes on global robot domination, and it means business. Nearly a quarter of a million robots were installed this past year; that’s half of the total installations on the entire planet in 2021. Like the United States, China is experiencing an aging workforce, which contributes to labor-shortage issues. Interest in automation solutions continues to surge as companies struggle to replace the diminishing workforce.

The industrial robotics market in China achieved strong growth with a new record of 243,300 installations in 2021, an increase of 44% compared to the previous year, according to preliminary data published by the International Federation of Robotics (IFR).

China was leading the global recovery after the Covid-19 pandemic and accounted for half of worldwide robot installations in 2021,” said Marina Bill, IFR president. “Growth is strong across all industries with electrical and electronics being the dominant sector, up 30% to 81,600 installations. The automotive industry also showed a strong recovery. This was mainly driven by electric vehicle manufacturing in China. It rose by 89% in 2021 with 50,700 installations.”

In China, the aging population's demographics has caused a shortage of labor and driven the growth of robotic automation. The continued robotization of industries was announced earlier this year by the government. The five-year plan for the robotics industry, released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) in Beijing, focuses on promoting innovation in an effort to make China a global leader of robot technology and industrial advancement.

“China released the second five-year development plan for the robotics industry, following 2016-2020,” Song Xiaogang, executive director and secretary-general of the China Robot Industry Alliance (CRIA), said in January. “The plan has great guiding significance for promoting the high-quality development of China’s robotics industry during the 14th period. Robots are the key equipment of modern industry. The new five-year plan leads the digital development and intelligent upgrading in China and also helps to promote the global robot technology progress.”

At the same time, state authorities aim to boost employment and entrepreneurial opportunities among college graduates. In June, 18 new professions including “robotics engineering technician” were announced by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security. The profession focuses on the research and development of control algorithms and operating systems for robots, as well as the use of digital simulation technology.

“China still has high potential for further growth,” said Marina Bill. “The country´s robot density in the manufacturing industry amounts to 246 industrial robots per 10,000 employees, thus ranking ninth worldwide in 2020. Ten years ago, China´s robot density was 15 units only.”

Although there is room for growth in regard to robot density, China is the biggest robot market when it comes to annual sales and operational stock, according to former IFR president Milton Guerry.

Additionally, China has its sights set on more than just the robotics market. In June, China expected to grow its share in the collaborative robot (cobot) market, as well. China’s cobot market share by shipments will increase to 54.4% in 2026, at which point annual unit shipments will exceed 50,000, according to a prediction from Interact Analysis.

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